Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

The truth is more important than the facts.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Everyone brings joy to this house; some by entering, some by leaving.


Protracted litigation over housing is what Berkeley does. Developers have been branded “Hitler” for merely suggesting that an empty lot does not well serve the city’s interests; “gentrification” has become a synonym for “change,” in particular any change that counters the forces of urban despair and disarray. Conservatives, I have been told, fear change, and that may well be true. But you should meet Berkeley’s liberals.

Alexander Nazaryan, "Fantasyland"

It is indeed probable that more harm and misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil.

Friedrich August von Hayek